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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

About Apple Watch


Siri is not working on Apple Watch


1. Open the "Settings" app on your Apple Watch.

2. Tap on "Siri."

3. Next, select "Siri History."

4. Finally, choose "Delete Siri History" to clear your Siri history on the Apple Watch.

About Siri


Why Siri commands are not working on my iPhone?


Siri needs to learn your custom phrases through repeated use. To avoid conflicts with system default phrases, create Siri commands with unique phrases. For example, if you set your Siri command to "Unlock Car," Siri might confuse it with the generic command used in the "Wallet" app. Instead, use "Unlock Tesla" so Siri recognizes it as a custom command for your shortcut. Once Siri becomes familiar with your command, you can change it to a shorter, more convenient phrase. Siri should adapt to this change.

About Security


What is "" in my Lock list?


This is a virtual key.

We store this virtual key in secure server, where no one can access it.

Even if someone obtains this virtual key, it cannot control your vehicle (Yes, even our company cannot control your vehicle).

Only when it is paired with a personal key generated by your account and password, and both keys are activated simultaneously, will it work.


How do I delete this key?


Please note that once you delete this key, Teri loses all the remote control access to your car.

If you want to proceed, please follow the steps:


  1. Open Tesla official app.

  2. Tap the button with three horizontal lines in the top right corner.

  3. Tap your username.

  4. Select "Security & Privacy."

  5. Select "Security."

  6. Log in with your account and password.

  7. Scroll down the page until you see "Third-Party Applications."

  8. You will see "Teri" in this list. Tap the "Manage" button on the right to manage it.

How do I download Teri?

For now Teri only available on iOS App Store:


How to cancel subscription


Here are the easy steps to cancel your subscription, managed securely by Apple:


Open the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad.

Tap your name at the top of the screen.

Tap 'Subscriptions'.

Look for 'Teri' in the list and tap it.

Tap 'Cancel Subscription'.

You can always check out this official Apple Support page for additional details: Manage your Apple subscriptions


Please note: Uninstalling the Teri app will not automatically stop your subscription — you must actively cancel the subscription using the process described here. If you delete the app without cancelling your subscription, you will still be charged.


How to refund


If you've accidentally made a purchase within Teri or need to request a refund for any reason, Apple handles all refunds directly. Here's how to get started:


Go to

Sign in with your Apple ID and password.

Find your Teri subscription in your purchase history.

Choose 'Report a Problem' next to the purchase you want a refund for.

Follow the onscreen steps and select the 'Didn't mean to purchase this item' or the relevant option.

You can always check out this official Apple Support page for additional details: Request a refund for apps or content that you bought from Apple.


Please remember: All refund requests are subject to Apple's refund policy. Teri does not have the ability to issue refunds directly as all payment transactions are handled by Apple.

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